Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • S. De Bièvre is in charge of the Doctoral formation in Applied Mathematics at the University of Lille.

  • E. Creusé is in charge of the first year of the master program "Ingénieurie Mathématique" of the Lille 1 University.

  • C. Besse is in charge of the international Master degree at the University of Lille 1 devoted to Scientific Computing.

  • Members of the team are involved in MSc degrees at USTL (C. Calgaro, S. De Bièvre, G. Dujardin, M. Rousset).

  • P. Lafitte is involved in a MSc in Ile de France (M2S) and is in charge of the PDE teaching in first year at École Centrale Paris.

  • I. Lacroix-Violet teaches numerical analysis in L3 at Polytech Lille (98h).

  • A. Gloria teaches at ULB (licence 2, master 2, 120h).


  • HdR : A. Gloria, "Qualitative and quantitative results in stochastic homogenization", Lille 1, February 24th 2012

  • PhD in progress : É. Soret, since September 2011, “Stochastic acceleration and equilibration, Supervision by S. De Bièvre and T. Simon (Painlevé)

  • PhD in progress : P.-L. Colin, "Étude théorique et numérique de modèles mathématiques de corrosion", 09/01/2012, C. Chainais-Hillairet et I. Lacroix-Violet


  • C. Chainais, G. Dujardin and P. Lafitte are members of the jury of the national hiring committee of the “Agrégation de mathématiques”.